CEDO, spol. s.r.o.
CEDO is a Small and Medium Enterprise (SME) with 30 employees, active in the development of electronic modules and systems. CEDO has offices on two places; one site is in Brno in Czech Republic since 1994 for development and design and the second site is in Bredene in Belgium since 1998 for sales, consultancy, design and R&D. The key competences of CEDO can be summarised as following:
- Analogue and mixed signal IC-design in deep submicron CMOS technologies
- Development of core-cells for standard cell libraries, memory compilers, flash memories, current mode DAC and ADC development, analogue and mixed signal IC-design flow automation software
- Development of electronic systems and applications software, including smart measurement equipment for reliability tests for electronic components and systems, electronic hardware and firmware for space applications (ESA-project in ISS) and hardware and software for Wireless Sensor Networks
- Research in energy harvesting for wireless sensor networks, nanotechnology sensors, IC-design flow automation and characterisation
Contribution to and Role in the AsTeRICS Project:
CEDO will contribute to this project by using its expertise in co-design of system hardware and software on Printed Circuit Board for sensors, actuators and CCD vision system. Furthermore, CEDO will conduct prototyping and of testing hardware/software for wireless sensor networks