15. April 2013 - The AsTeRICS Project rated EXCELLENT!
It is official: today we have received the Review Report. AsTeRICS Project is rated EXCELLENT by the Reviewers! All Consortium Members are proud of the achievement.
31. December 2012 - AsTeRICS project has reached its end!
Today the AsTeRICS project is finished. The final prototype - both hardware and software are ready and all deliverables delivered. The Consortium will report the project to the Reviewers soon.
14. December 2012 - AsTeRICS Open-Source Final Release
The final release of AsTeRICS software is public now. Please look for it (binaries, source code, manuals) in the download section.
We encourage you to look in the new User Manuals.
2. September 2012
We just finished the model to fly a toy helicopter with enobio and a wheelchair joystick. Watch the video for more details
14.-15. May 2012 - Consortium Meeting in Barcelona
The full AsTeRICS consortium met in Barcelona. The main topics were the analysis of the technical status and the strategic planning of the rest of the project.
6. March 2012 - More AsTeRICS Videos Online
Today two more videos have been added on the AsTeRICS website:
28. February 2012 - AsTeRICS Videos Online
Some introduction videos have been produced to provide a convenient means of information about the project - please have a look in our new video section.
24. February 2012 - AsTeRICS Open-Source Release
The first release of AsTeRICS software has now become reality. Binaries, source-code files and manuals, as well as other new materials can be found in the download section.
20.-21. October 2011 - Consortium meeting in Cyprus
An important meeting of the AsTeRICS Consortium in Cyprus. Technical and strategic decisions were taken. Exploitation of project results discussed. (more on Facebook)
- AsTeRICS Consortium Meeting in Cyprus
20 - 21. September 2011 - Interim Review
This interim review proved very good to excellent quality of the project.
30. August 2011 - Deliverable 1.5 "Evaluation Report Integrated Prototype 1"
User tests of the Prototype 1 are done. Evaluation report submitted.
30. April 2011 - Milestone 7 "Integrated prototype 1"
Before the Consortium meeting at San Sebastian the Prototype 1 is ready for user tests.
30. November 2010 - Milestone 6 "API specification for sensors to be integrated to Personal Platform"
All technical partners have agreed the API.
21. September 2010 - First Review
The first interim review in Brussels
02. July 2010 - Milestone 4 "Decision related to selection of the sensor/actuator portfolio"
All partners agreed on the selection of the sensor/actuator portfolio
02. July 2010 - Milestone 3 "System Architecture, Hard- & Software Specification agreed"
All technical partners agreed on the System Architecture, the Hardware Specification and the Software Specification
30. June 2010 - Milestone 5 "Feasibility of OSGi porting to the AsTeRICS Personal Platform Prototype 1"
The porting of OSGi to the AsTeRICS personal platform is feasible.
27. April 2010 - Milestone 2 "User selected"
All the users (primary and secondary) that will participate in the project were selected and appropriately enrolled.
24. March 2010 - AsTeRICS on FP7 CORDIS ICT website
The first AsTeRICS press release and the project's ID-card have been published on the FP7 CORDIS ICT website.
22. March 2010 - AsTeRICS in the e-Inclusion Newsletter
The launch of the AsTeRICS project has been announced in the e-Inclusion newsletter, using a shortened version of the first AsTeRICS press release.
15. March 2010 - AsTeRICS project description in the FHTW Newsletter
An article introducing AsTeRICS was included in the FHTW newsletter, which is sent out to students and staff of the "University of Applied Sciences Technikum Wien". This reached a local audience of approximately 2500 persons.
2. March 2010 - Launch of the AsTeRICS Website
For representation of the AsTeRICS project in the World Wide Web a website has been launched. It contains a description of the project, its goals and an article about end user involvement. Also each partner organisation is briefly described and their involvement in the project discussed. Besides providing contact information and links to various interesting sites, there is also a forum, where potential end users and potential secondary users and experts can discuss and provide their input. In the Download-section public project deliverables and press releases can be retrieved.