Model-based Design of Novel Human-Computer Interfaces - The Assistive Technology Rapid Integration and Construction Set (AsTeRICS)
Christoph Veigl, Christoph Weiß, David Ibanez, Aureli Soria-Frisch, Andrea Carbone
Support of unique user capabilities and user needs is a great challenge in the development of Assistive Technologies for people with motor impairments. Often, special solutions are desired, combining input- and output modalities for efficient computer control or interaction with the Smart Environment. The Assistive Technology Rapid Integration & Construction Set (AsTeRICS) provides graphical model design tools, a middleware and hardware support for the creation of tailored AT-solutions involving bioelectric signal acquisition, Brain-/Neural Computer Interfaces, Computer-Vision techniques and standardized actuator and device controls. Novel, end-user ready solutions can be created and adapted via a graphical editor without additional programming efforts. The AsTeRICS open-source framework provides resources for utilization and extension of the system to developers and researches.
assistive technologies, human computer interface, brain computer interface, computer vision, eye tracking, model based design