AsTeRICS, a Flexible Assistive Technology Construction Set
Roland Ossmann, David Thaller, Gerhard Nussbaum, Franz Pühretmair, Christoph Veigl, Christoph Weiß, Blanca Morales, Unai Diaz
Over the last decades a considerable number of information and communication technology based Assistive Tech- nology devices have become available for people with disabilities. These Assistive Technology devices often ask for adaptation of software and/or hardware to fit the users abilities before they can be used.
Within the Project AsTeRICS, a flexible and affordable construction set for the implementation of user driven assistive technologies solutions will be developed. This allows the combination of different sensors to process and manipulate the sensor data to control any supported device. This paper will show how a webcam mouse (head tracker) and a single switch mouse can easily be created and tailored to the user needs and possibilities. Additionally, results of user tests with the head tracker will be presented.
AT Construction Set, Head tracker, Single switch mouse